4th International Symposium on Religious Literature and Heritage organized by the Ministry of Religion of Indonesia, IRCICA as academic partner


The 4th International Symposium on Religious Literature and Heritage (ISLAGE) was organized by the Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage affiliated to the Research and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religion of Indonesia, in Yogyakarta and online, on 2-4 August 2023. IRCICA was one of the collaborating partners, together with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of Indonesia. IRCICA’s Assistant Director General Prof. Aboubacar Abdullah Senghore gave the Keynote Address on behalf of Director General Prof. Mahmud Erol Kılıç at the Opening Ceremony of the symposium. Opening addresses were given by Prof. Al Makin, Rector of the State Islamic University (Universiti Islam Negeri – UIN); H.E. Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia; Prof. Dr. H. Amin Suyitno, Head of the Research and Training Agency, Ministry of Religion of Indonesia. The sub-themes of the sessions over the three-day symposium were: Religious Moderation and Local Wisdom; Democracy and Religious Moderation within Digital Society; Interreligious Interaction in Literature and Heritage; The making of Religious Identity as Reflected in the Literature and Heritage; Indonesian New Capital City and New Challenges in Religious Life; The Dynamic of Democracy in Cultural and Religious Diversities; Conflict and Diplomacy – Historical and Contextual Frameworks. After the six addresses delivered by delegates from ministries and universities during the plenaries, a total of 98 papers were presented over the 4-5 parallel working sessions dedicated to each theme reflecting general perspectives and/or local case-based focuses. The outcome will be a vast and rich new body of literature with emphasis on the Southeast Asian religious and social sphere. A random sample of paper titles can illustrate the thematic orientations: “Exploring Inter-Religious Interactions: Prospects for Rational Enquiry and Shared Education Between Hindu and Islamic Traditions”, Muhammed Midlaj Masroor; “Promotion of Tolerance in the Spiritual Heritage of Alisher Navoi”, Bakhtiyor Tursunov; “Interreligious Harmonization in Indonesia Through Implementation of Wahdatul Adyan Concept By Ibnu Arabi”, M. Hasan Hamid, Halya Millati; “Holding Justice and Knitting National Identity: The Basic Principle of Religious Moderation in the Manuscript Network for the Islamization of the Archipelago”, Asman Azis; “Intellectual and Cultural Inter-Religious Interaction During the Mughal Era in Peninsular India”, Mohammed Nihad; “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy on Islamic Education: A Democratic Learning Model for a Plural Society”, Ai Umir Fadhilah, Idil Saptaputra, Desi Asmarita.

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