5th Conference on “Islamic Civilization in Central Asia


The 5th Conference on “Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present” co-organized by IRCICA and the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (Tashkent) was held in hybrid format on 3 October 2024. Opened with the addresses of Rector Dr. Uygun Gafurov and IRCICA’s Assistant Director General Prof. Aboubacar Senghore on behalf of Director General Prof. Mahmud Erol Kılıç, the conference featured a variety of themes. Moderated by Prof. Nematullo Muhamedov from the IRCICA Chair on “Islamic history and source studies” at the Academy and Prof. Ashirbek Muminov from IRCICA, the Presentations session heard the following papers: Zohidjon Islamov, ”Mahmoud Zamakhshari and his scientific heritage related to philology”; Veysel Bulut, “Codicological analysis of the manuscript of al-Qanun of Ibn Sina at Halet Efendi collection, nr. 750″; Shovosil Ziyadov, “National values in the scientific and spiritual heritage of Imam Bukhari”; Ashirbek Muminov, “Abu-l-Walid ad-Darbandi as an important Hadith transmitter: from Bukhara, Samarqand to Baghdad”; Firdavs Halimov, “The history of waqf ownership in Uzbekistan and its role in social and cultural life”; Jamoliddin Karimov, “Regarding the contemporary edition of Imam Maturidi’s ‘Kitab at-Tawhid’ and its Uzbek translation; Ahmed Mukhtar Adam, “The Influence of the scientific legacy of Central Asian scholars on the works of West African ‘Ulama’: The Case of Imam al-Bukhari and al-Tirmidhi”; Muzaffar Joniev, “The development of Sufism in Termiz”; Selahaddin Uygur, “Preparation of Katip Çelebi’s ‘Fezleketü Akvalü’l-Ahyar fî İlmi’t-Tarih ve’l-Ahbar’ for publication”, among others. Some of the papers delivered at the “Panel” session were: Agzamkhodjayev Saidakbar, ”The importance of studying the historical monuments of Uzbekistan in the development of pilgrimage tourism”; Dr. Ayna Askeroğlu Arslan, “Meskhetian Turks as an example of Central Asia’s ethnic structure”; Mirzaibraimov Samagan, “Kadikhan Uzjandi, a Hanafi Faqih in the VIth century”.

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