Conference on “Islamic Manuscripts & Documents”

organized by the Iraqi Scientific Society of Manuscripts, the Centre for Islamic Studies – ISAM, the Presidency of Türkiye Manuscripts Institution, and IRCICA


The conference themed “Islamic Manuscripts & Documents: Prospects of Iraqi Turkish Cooperation and Ways to Benefit From Them” was organized by IRCICA, the Iraqi Scientific Society of Manuscripts, the Centre for Islamic Studies – ISAM, and the Presidency of Türkiye Manuscripts Institution in Istanbul, on 8-9 July 2024. The conference was hosted by ISAM and opened with the addresses of the Heads of the co-organizer institutions, Prof. Mazen Sabah Al-Ar’aji (Iraqi Scientific Society of Manuscripts), Prof. Ferruh Özpilavcı (Türkiye Manuscripts Institution), Prof. Murtaza Bedir (ISAM), Prof. Mahmud Erol Kılıç (IRCICA). The conference was conducted in the Arabic language, with over twenty participants, most of them from Iraq. A large variety of papers were presented on theological, philosophical, linguistic, literary subjects, sources of history, international relations. All the papers were based on manuscript, introduced specific manuscript sources, and highlighted the history and the role of manuscript works and documents in the progress of knowledge. The conference was also an occasion for the organizing institutions to introduce their services regarding the study and preservation of manuscripts.

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