International Congress on “Islamic History and Civilization in the Central African Region” jointly organized by IRCICA and the King Faisal University of Chad

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The international congress on “Islamic History and Civilization in the Central African Region” was organized by IRCICA jointly with King Faisal University of Chad under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Chad H.E. Idriss Deby, in N’Djamena, on 13-14 December 2019.

The congress was formally opened by the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation of the Republic of Chad H.E. Dr. Houdeingar David Ngarimaden, who read the message of H.E. President Idriss Deby to the congress. In his message, the President underlined that the congress was an occasion to rediscover the true values of Islamic civilization.
The opening ceremony was addressed by: Director General of IRCICA Prof. Halit Eren; Vice-Chancellor of King Faisal University in Chad Prof. Muhammad Salih Ayuop; and, Secretary General of the University and Coordinator of the conference Dr. Abakar Modou. The Chairman of the High Council for Islamic Affairs of Chad, Mr. Mahamad Khatir Issa was also present at the ceremony, and later chaired the first working session. The Ambassadors of many countries, faculty members from all universities, and a large number of cultural personalities participated in the opening ceremony.

The congress was large scale and comprehensive in its scope. 55 scholars and researchers from all over Africa and other countries presented research papers focusing on diverse aspects of Islamic history in Central Africa covering all parts of the region. The participants were from 19 countries: Algeria, Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Mauritania, Senegal, Sudan, Tunisia and Turkey.

The wide range of topics discussed during the congress included the spread of Islam in Central Africa, Islamization of the Saharan region, the history of science and civilization in Central Africa, traditional religious education in Central African societies, the impact of colonialism in Central Africa, Sufi orders in Central Africa, relations between Central Africa and the Middle East, Arabic education in Central Africa, relations between the Ottoman Caliphate and Sub-Saharan Africa, the impact of Arabic culture and language on the Empire of Songhai, the evolution of intellectual and Islamic traditions in Central Africa, and early manuscripts of Holy Quran in Central Africa.

The two-day congress witnessed fruitful discussions. The closing session on 14 December was addressed by the Deputy Director General of IRCICA Prof. Abubacar Abdullah Senghore and the Vice-Chancellor of King Faisal University in Chad Prof. Muhammad Salih Ayuop.

The themes, and the papers, delivered in Arabic, French or English, were as follows.

Theme I
Islamic civilisation in Central Africa at the time of the Islamic kingdoms and sultanates

Session 1

Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Baba (Cameroon)
“The factors of establishment of Islamic culture in the North of Cameroon”

Jose Miko Obama (Equatorial Guinea)
“Islam in Equatorial Guinea”

Dr. Alion Deme (Senegal)
“The influence of the early Islamic empires of West Africa on expansion and promotion in Central Africa”

Prof.Dr. Abdullah Bakheet Saleh (Chad)
“The present state of Islamic architecture in Central Africa”

Abbas Abakar Abbas (Chad)
“Quranic school and modern education in Chad”

Session 2

Dr. Mahmoud Sherif Mohamed Nour (Chad)
“The idea of Mahdism and progressive nature: Chad Basin as an example”

Prof.Dr. Mohamed Saleh Ayyoub (Chad)
“Arab-Islamic education in Kanem-Borno in the royal decrees (maharim) (1086-1806)”

Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Isaac (Chad)
“History of traditional education in Cetral Africa”

Dr. Habbo Tijani Mustafa (Chad)
“Royal communications at the time of the Islamic kingdoms in Chad: Ouadday Sultanate as an example”

Dr. Abdullah Bishara Musa (Chad)
“The privileges of scholars in Kanem (xith-xviith centuries)”

Session 3

Dr. Ahmed Abdel Rahman Samaeen (Chad)
“Royal documents in Kanem: analytical study on philological basis”

Prof.Dr. Shuaibu Shehu (Nigeria)
“The Mahdi tradition and its impact on the State of Borno and Adamawa”

Prof.Dr. Jimada Idris Shaaba (Nigeria)
“The role of HAJJ in the development of cultural and intellectual relationship between Bilad al-Sudan, Maghreb and Middle East”

Dr. Hadjila Larbi (Algeria)
“The contribution of scholars to the development of Arab-Islamic education in the Kingdom of Kanem-Borno of the xith-xvith centuries”

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Moeen (Mauritania)
“Cultural and spiritual links between West Africa and Central Africa”

Session 4

Dr. Yeosu Minkela (Niger)
“Action and interaction in Islamic culture between the Kingdom of Kanem and the Kingdom of Sengay”

Dr. Emna Abdullah Naabi (Nigeria)
“The impact of the Islamic Sultanate of Sokoto on the Islamic sultanates of Central Africa”

Dr. Mohamed Ali Afin (Iraq)
“The role of Muslim merchants on the dissemination and development of Islam in Central Sudan: Kanem Kingdom as an example”

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Mortada (Nigeria)
“The impact of the scientific movement on the establishment of Islamic civilization in Central Africa”

Abdel Samad Abdel Karim Tijani (Chad)
“The evolution of the traditional Islamic educational system and its role in the dissemination of Islam in Central Africa”

Session 5

Dr. Abdul Rahman Ahmed Issa (Chad)
“The institutes of training of the Holy Quran memorization teachers in Chad”

Dr. Abu Bakr Daoud Saleh (Chad)
“Holy Quran memorization sessions in Chad: The origin and the method”

Dr. Ahmed Qassim Ahmed (Chad)
“The cultural impact of the centers for the dissemination of Arab-Islamic culture in subsaharian Africa”

Mohamed Sanda Martins (Angola)
“The situation of Islam in Angola”

Cheikh Omar Bakrimi (Rwanda)
“The history of the advent of Islam in Rwanda and its impact on the development of the country (XXth century)”

Theme II
Islamic civilization during the colonial period

Session 6

Dr. Oumarou Ibrahim (Congo)
“Chronology of one century of Islam in Congo (1914-2014)”

Dr. Michaela Saleh (Cameroon)
“Islamic culture before and after colonialism in the Republic of Cameroon”

Prof.Dr. Mohamed Al Nazif Yousef (Chad)
“The Kingdom of Baguirmi and the role of its scholars in the dissemination of Islamic culture: the family of Cadi Mohamed Nour Al Dalil as example”

Khaled Said Adam (Chad)
“French colonialism and the role of its scholars in the dissemination of its culture and its impact on the life of Muslims in Central Africa”

Dr. Mohammed Ali Aissa Hamida (Chad)
“The establishments of higher education and their role in the dissemination of Islamic culture in Central Africa (King Faisal University as an example)”

Session 7

Prof.Dr. Ahmet Kavas (Turkey)
“Ottoman-Chad relations throughout centuries”

Dr. Mohamed Adam Kalbo (Mali)
“The impact of colonialism on African mentality in Central Africa”

Dr. İsa Gökgedik (Turkey)
“The political impact of Ottomans in the region of Chad in the XIXth century in the light of the ashrafiyya documents”

Prof.Dr. Sadık Ünay (IRCICA)
“The economic impact of colonialism in Central Africa”

Prof.Dr. Azmi Özcan (IRCICA)
“Colonial legacies in Africa”

Theme III
Islamic civilization in Central Africa after colonialism

Session 8

Dr. Kassim Jaffar (Burundi)
“The socio-economic impact of colonization on the Muslims of Central Africa: the case of Burundi”

Oqba Ben Nafi (Central African R.)
“Origin, population and coexistence of Muslims and Christians in Central Africa”

Dr. Famba Ali Hemedi (Congo)
“The socio-economic impact of colonization on the Muslims of Central Africa”

Dr. Oumarou Ibrahim (Congo-Brazzaville)
“Contributions of Rwandan Muslims to the development of the country in the past and at present”

Dr. Hamed Abdullah Ahmed (Chad)
“The history of Sufi culture in Central Africa”

Session 9

Dr. Rima Flanga (Congo)
“The evolution of the Muslim woman in the Democratic Republic of Congo”

Aicha Amin Achr (Chad)
“The role of woman’s centers in the dissemination of Islamic culture”

Dr. Hawwa Musa Idris (Chad)
“The contribution of women on the development of Islam in Africa”

Marima Roukayatou Abaep (Gabon)
“Islamic teaching and its systems in Gabon”

Dr. Samira Belarbi (Tunisia)
“Scientific life in the Kingdom of Kanem Borno and the role of Imam Mohamed Mani and Imam Ahmed Furtu”

Session 10

Dr. Ibrahim Bourma Ahmed (Chad)
“The economic effects of colonialism on the Muslims of Central Africa”

Dr. Osman Ahmed Osman (Chad)
“The cultural effects of colonialism on the Muslims of Central Africa”

Dr. Mohamed Yousef Mohamed (Chad)
“The cultural effects of French colonialism in Central Africa”

Ahmed Mohamed Al Nour (Chad)
“Resistance of Islamic sultanates to the French invasion in Central Africa”

Dr. Mohamed Khalifa Seddiq (Sudan)
“The role of Islamic civilization in the Chad Basin: Rabeh Fadlallah as an example”

Session 11

Dr. Ahmed ar-Rifa’i Mahmoud (Chad)
“The role of Sufism in the dissemination of Arabic literature in Central Africa (the poet Ali Adam Bahr as an example)”

Sharif Ali Mohammed Alhur (Central African R.)
“Methods of Central African scholars in the profession of faith”

Dr. Tidjani Abdelghani (Morocco)
“Islamic Sufism in Central Africa”

Dr. Aboubakrouler Madou (Chad)
“The impact of Islamic culture on the orientation of Arabic education in Africa”

Daoud Talaf Issa (Chad)
“The ways of the advent and factors of dissemination of Islam in the region of Lake Koura”

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