Prof. Ashirbek Muminov from IRCICA took part in the Working Group of Experts of the Republic of Kazakhstan to study the Cover of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi’s tomb in Turkistan


The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan has created a Working Group of Experts to study the historical cоvеr (end of the 14th– beginning of the 15th centuries) of the grаvе of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi located in Turkistan, Republic of Kazakhstan. The Working Group of Experts held its meeting under the chairmanship of the Minister Culture and Information, Мrs. Аida G. Balayeva, in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 10 Мау 2024.

Prof. Dr. Ashirbek Muminov from IRCICA took part in the meeting at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Coverlet (“Qabr-Push”) on the tombstone of Khoja Ahmad Yasawi is an ancient artifact stored in the Ethnography Department of the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Aziret Sultan”, in Turkistan City, Kazakhstan. It was made during the reign of Amir Timur (1370-1405). It is made of silk material with gold threads and has inscriptions in Arabic Script. The artifact carries some damage due to dilapidation.

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