Visit of H.E. Ms. Nabeela F. Tunis, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Sierra Leone, to IRCICA

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H.E. Ms. Nabeela F. Tunis, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Serra Leone, paid a visit to IRCICA Director General Prof. Halit Eren on 17 August 2019. The Minister was accompanied by a delegation comprised of Ambassador Mr. Umaru B. Wurie, Special Advisor to the President of Sierra Leone; Mr. Al-Hassan K. Kondeh, General Director at the Ministry, and Mr. Prince Gaima, Special Assistant of the Minister. H.E. the Minister and IRCICA Director General Prof. Dr. Halit Eren expressed the belief that contacts and cooperation between academic and cultural circles of Sierra Leone and IRCICA will be reinforced after this visit and new avenues will be opened for this cooperation. Director General Prof. Halit Eren guided Minister Tunis to the library and conference hall, where the Minister and her delegation saw a documentary film introducing the activities of IRCICA. In this, they joined the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Niger Mr. Kalla Ankourao and the Niger delegation who were, by a pleasant coincidence, visiting IRCICA around the same time. The remaining part of the program of the visit to IRCICA involved the presentation of the library’s collections of books on West Africa and collections of calligraphy and gilding works. H.E. the Minister wrote her impressions I the Visitors’ Book: “Thank you for your hospitality and the opportunity accorded to my delegation and I. Experiencing the rich historic culture of Islam has been highly appreciated.”

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