IRCICA presentation at the UNESCO World Conference on Culture and Arts Education

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“Mystical Philosophy of Arabic Calligraphy –  A Theme for Art Education”
by Professor Mahmud Erol Kılıç
within the shared side event with “Fondation pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel de Rabat” and “Organisation du monde islamique pour l’éducation, le sciences et la culture – ICESCO”
13-15 February 2024 | Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

The talk and screen presentation will explicate the philosophy of the art of calligraphy in Arabic script emphasizing its concepts that make it an exemplary domain and medium through which

  1. cultural themes can be introduced to educational curricula,and
  2. the power of arts can be activated to promote intercultural understanding.

Consequently, it will offer the best-practical example of artistic calligraphy as a theme that can fruitfully generate theoretical and practical references and reading materials for education. As concrete examples, brief reference will be made to the programs coordinated by IRCICA (OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture) in different countries realizing these potentials of the art of calligraphy.


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