Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol KILIÇ

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Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç was born in 1961 in Istanbul. He graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences of Istanbul University (1985). During his high school and university education he also studied the sciences of Sarf-Nahw, Tafsir, Hadith and Fiqh with some scholars. He attended the lessons of some Sufi scholars as well. After graduation, he stayed for some time in the U.K. and in Egypt. Before entering academia, he worked as the director of a publishing house. At the Department of Islamic Philosophy of Marmara University where he started to work as an assistant, he wrote his master’s thesis titled “Hermes and Hermetic Thought in the Light of Islamic Sources” (1989) (published). After the establishment of the departments of Sufism in Turkish universities in 1993, he defended his thesis titled “Being and its Stages in Ibn Arabi’s Thought” (1995) (published), which was considered as the first PhD thesis to be written in that new academic branch. Then he was promoted to Associate Professor in 1998 and full Professor in 2004. He directed many MA and PhD theses. Articles he wrote were published in several encyclopedias and journals. He presented papers at national and international congresses. His work titled Sufi ve Şiir: Osmanlı Tasavvuf Şiirinin Poetikası (The Sufi and Poetry: Poetics of Ottoman Sufi Poetry) was awarded the Study and Research Prize of the Turkish Authors’ Association in 2004 and translated into several languages. Until the present, 16 books he wrote, 5 books he translated and 2 books he edited were published. Prof. Kılıç knows English, Arabic, Persian and French. He also teaches at the Institute for Sufi Studies, Üsküdar University, Istanbul. Prof. Kılıç is married and has two children and two grandchildren.

Memberships in scientific committees:

  • 2010 – 2015, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Sufi Studies (BRILL, Leiden);
  • Member, General Assembly of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO;
  • Member of Honor, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society (MIAS, Oxford);
  • 2021-  , Member of the Advisory Board, Turkish Journal of Iranian Studies (TJIS);
  • 2021-  , Member of the Scientific Board, Turkish Historical Society (TTK);
  • 2021- , Member of the Advisory Board, Marmara University Centre for al-Quds Studies Application and Research (MUKAM).

Administrative functions:

  • 2005 – 2008, President, Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts (TİEM, Istanbul);
  • 2008 – 2018, Secretary General, Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC, Tehran);
  • 2019 – 2021, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Indonesia;
  • 2021 –  , Director General, Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Works published:

  1. Sufi ve Şiir: Osmanlı Tasavvuf Şiirinin Poetikası, [The Sufi and Poetry: Poetics of Ottoman Sufi Poetry], Istanbul 2004. 10 editions. (Translated into Persian, French and Albanian).
  2. Evvele Yolculuk, [Travel to The Origin], Istanbul 2008. 6 editions. (Translated into Persian).
  3. Şeyh-i Ekber: İbn Arabî Düşüncesine Giriş, [Grand Master: Introduction to Ibn Arabi’s Thought], Istanbul 2009. 8 editions. (Translated into Persian).
  4. Anadolunun Ruhu, [The Soul of Anatolia], Istanbul 2011. 5 editions. (Translated into Persian).
  5. Hermesler Hermesi: İslâm Kaynakları Işığında Hermes ve Hermetik Düşünce, [Hermes of Hermesses: Hermes and Hermetic Thought in Islamic Sources], Istanbul 2017. 3 editions. (Translated into Persian).
  6. Tasavvufa Giriş, [Introduction to Sufism], Istanbul 2012, 12 editions.
  7. Hayatın Satır Araları, [Interlines of Life], Istanbul 2013, 9 editions.
  8. Tasavvuf Düşüncesi: Makaleler – Konferanslar I, [Sufi Thought: Articles & Lectures I], Istanbul 2014, 3 editions.
  9. Sufi ve Sanat: Makaleler – Konferanslar II, [The Sufi and Art: Articles & Lectures II], Istanbul 2015. 2 editions (Translated into Albanian).
  10. Mevlânâ Üzerine Konuşmalar, [Lectures on Rumi], Istanbul 2014, 2 editions.
  11. İbn Arabî, [Ibn Arabi: Life & Works], İSAM, Istanbul 2015, 3 editions.
  12. Ayırmaya Değil Birleştirmeye Geldik, [We Came to Unite Not Disunite], Istanbul 2015.
  13. Anadolu Tasavvuf Tarihine Notlar I, [Notes on the History of Sufism in Anatolia I], Istanbul 2016.
  14. Anadolu Tasavvuf Tarihine Notlar II, [Notes on the History of Sufism in Anatolia II], Istanbul 2016.
  15. el-Tuhfetü’l-‘Uşşâkıyye: Uşşâkî Sâliklerinin Âdâbı (Transliterated by), [Rules and Manners for Khalwati-Ushshaqi Order], Istanbul 2016, 3 editions.
  16. Şafak Yazıları I, (Newspaper articles I), Istanbul 2017.
  17. Şafak Yazıları II, (Newspaper articles II), Istanbul 2018.
  18. Geleneğin Peşinde: Bir Din Felsefesi Olarak Tasavvuf, [In the Pursuit of Tradition: Sufism as a Philosophy of Religion], Istanbul 2024.

 Books edited:

* Ibn Arabi, Fusus al-Hikam, edited by Mahmud Erol Kılıç & Abdurrahim Alkış, based on the oldest copy dated 630H (TİEM 1933), Litera Publication, Istanbul 2016.

* Abdullah Salahaddin al-Ushshâqî, Sharh Kitab Mawâqi’ al-Nujûm (3 Volumes), edited by Mahmud Erol Kılıç & M. Adeb el-Jader, Ninava Publication, Damascus, 2015.

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