Jerusalem in photographs, from past to present; 5th edition
$120.00IRCICA, Istanbul, 2025
Historical Photograph Albums Series, 9
223, 13 pp., ill., 33×30 cm., in English, Arabic, Turkish
This album has been published with the contributions of the Türkiye Sigorta and Türkiye Hayat Emeklilik. -
Jerusalem in photographs, from past to present
$120.00IRCICA, Istanbul, 2024
Historical Photograph Albums Series, 9
223, 13 pp., ill., 33×30 cm., in English, Arabic, Turkish -
Al-Quds During the Ottoman Period in Photographs
$70.00Esenler Municipality and IRCICA, 2023
xxxi, 435 pp. (in Turkish) -
1876-1954 Konya Fotoğrafları Külliyatı. Photographic Compendium
$265.00IRCICA and Konya Metropolitan Municipality, Konya, 2024
2 volumes
(in English and Turkish) -
Souvenir of Jerusalem
$80.00OIC Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture – IRCICA
Text: Mr. Murat Kargılı
Project Director and Foreword by Prof. Dr. Halit Eren
Translation by Mr. Nafiz Akşehirlioğlu
Studies on al-Quds and Palestine, no. 8
290 pages
Istanbul, 2020
Colour illustrations
Text in English and Turkish -
Friend and Brother. 70th Anniversary of Relations between Turkey and…
$100.00Documentary and photographic album
with Preface by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey
IRCICA, 2018, 155 pp.
Text in Turkish, English and Urdu -
Haremeyn. Makka al-Mukarrama and al-Madina al-Munawwara in photographs from the…
$3,000.00selected from the albums of Sultan Abdulhamid II and the collection of Fahreddin Pasha (Türkkan)
Series of historical photograph albums 8
IRCICA, Istanbul, 2013
592 p., 37×46 cm., illustrations, maps, plans
(Turkish, English, Arabic) -
Manisa in Historical Photographs from Sultan Abdulhamid II Period
$500.00IRCICA, 2013
(English, Turkish, Arabic) -
Bursa in photographs of the period of Sultan Abdulhamid II
$1,000.00Text by Mustafa Armağan
Istanbul, 2011
(in English, Arabic and Turkish) -
Photographs on the Friendship Between Turkey and Yemen Throughout History
IRCICA, Istanbul, 2011
(English, Arabic, Turkish) -
AI-Quds/Jerusalem in historical photographs
$1,000.00IRCICA, 2009
xxxi, 435 pp.
(in English, Arabic and Turkish | Different Editions)