This book is an in-depth study on the work of Ibn Muhammad Salih entitled al-Shudhur al-Dhahabiya fi-l-Lugha al-Turkiya (Golden Necklaces on the Turkic Language), a textbook in Arabic about the Turkic language. It was compiled in Egypt at the beginning of the 17th century (ca. 1619). The author, Ibn Muhammad Salih, was the teacher of the son of the Egyptian qadi Muhammad al-Husayni al-Jamazi. He compiled this textbook to teach his student the basics of the Turkic language. The textbook was used widely during the Ottoman period, as evidenced by its copies found in world libraries. The authors of the present study used five of its copies preserved in collections in the USA, France and Saudi Arabia. The study contains the facsimile of the work, its original texts, transcription, translation into Kazakh, and the research parts, supplemented with a list of the primary sources and secondary literature used. It is an indispensable source of information for anyone interested in the history of the Kazakh, Tatar, Bashkir, Nogay, Karakalpak, Qumiq and other languages belonging to the Qipchaq group of Turkic languages. Introducing this linguistic and cultural monument to researchers is important; this instructive analytical study does in an excellent manner.
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HomePublicationsHistory of Islamic CivilizationAsiaCentral Asia and CaucasiaGolden Necklaces on the Turkic Language
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