This book is the outcome of the international conference which was organized by IRCICA and the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan (IIAU) in hybrid format on 17 October 2022. The first two conferences in the series were held on 14 October 2020 and 14 October 2021 respectively, and their proceedings were published. The third conference comprised international sessions of senior scholars and specialists which were conducted online, followed by panels of young academicians held in the halls of the Academy in Tashkent. According to its original concept, the conference aimed at gathering studies on a range of subjects as diverse as possible, to reflect the multifarious aspects of the cultural traits and cultural heritage assets of Central Asian countries and peoples. The book contains a total of 150 papers, written in Uzbek or in English. The chapter titles are as follows: “Islamic Culture and Art in the Central Asian Region”; “Scientific and Spiritual Heritage of Central Asian Scholars”; “Epigraphy and Architecture of Historical Monuments in Central Asia”; “Commonalities and Particularities in the Customs and Traditions of the Central Asian Peoples”.
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HomePublicationsHistory of Islamic CivilizationAsiaCentral Asia and CaucasiaProceedings of the 3rd International Scientific-Practical Conference Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present
Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific-Practical Conference Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present
October 2022, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Markaziy Osiyoda Islom Sivilizatsiyası: O’tmish va Hozirgi Zamon. III Xalqaro Ilmiy Amaliy Konferansiya Materiallaro To’plamı 2022 yıl oktyabr, Toshkent, O‘zbekiston
Foreword: Muzaffar Kamilov; Preface: Mahmud Erol Kılıç; Responsible Editor: Kamronbek Abdulazimov, Chief Editors: Zohidjon Islomov, Ne’matulla Muhamedov, Ashirbek Mo‘minov; International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 2023, 472 p. (in Uzbek and English)
Categories: Central Asia and Caucasia, History of Islamic Civilization
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