This hardbound, high-quality album contains first-hand documentary references on the Ottoman period in Mosul, Iraq, presented in images and Arabic translations of Ottoman official decrees and communications relating to Mosul in the first part, and historical photographs of Mosul from IRCICA’s archive, in the second. The documents dating form the last couple centuries of Ottoman rule were selected from the Turkish State’s Ottoman Archive for their significance in reflecting the Ottoman administrative and development policies concerning Mosul. The photographs come from the albums of Sultan Abdulhamid II (late 19th-early 20th centuries) and show its buildings and streets. The album was prepared by Dr. Fazıl Bayat (IRCICA) in the context of a joint project of IRCICA and Mosul Cultural and Social Center.
HomePublicationsHistory of Islamic CivilizationAsiaMiddle East and The MediterraneanMosul in the Light of Ottoman Archive Documents and Historical Photographs Preserved in IRCICA’s Archive
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Mosul in the Light of Ottoman Archive Documents and Historical Photographs Preserved in IRCICA’s Archive
Compiled by Fazıl Bayat
IRCICA and the Mosul Cultural and Social Center
Istanbul, 2014
159 p., in Arabic
ISBN: 9789290632689
Category: Middle East and The Mediterranean
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