The Economic and Social Structure of Damascus City in the…
$40.00(According to the Avârız Register nr. 1977)
By Halil Sahillioğlu
Istanbul, 2005 (in Arabic, Introduction also in Turkish) -
Sana’l Bark al-Shami
$30.00by Qiwamuddin al-Fath B. Ali al-Bundari
prepared Ramazan Şeşen
Istanbul, 2004 (in Arabic) -
Turkish Cultural Traces in Egypt, Turkish Words in Egyptian Popular…
$30.00Prepared by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu and Salih Sadawi
Istanbul, 2003 (in Arabic, introduction in Turkish) -
The Muslim Pious Foundations and Real Estates in Palestine
$10.00Compiled by Mehmet İpşirli, Mohammed Da’oud Al Tamimi
Istanbul, 1982 (in Arabic)