This book is a collection of thirteen papers presented in English during the Second International Symposium on Islamic Civilisation in the Balkans held in Tirana, Albania, on 4-7 December 2003. The papers in Turkish and Albanian were published in separate volumes. The symposium was jointly organised by IRCICA, the Academy of Sciences of Albania, the General Directorate of Archives (Albania), the University of Tirana, and ISAR Foundation of Istanbul. It was opened with a scholarly address by H.E. Mr. Fatos Nano, Prime Minister of Albania.
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HomePublicationsHistory of Islamic CivilizationEastern Europe and the BalkansThe proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Islamic Civilisation in the Balkans
The proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Islamic Civilisation in the Balkans
Punimet e Simpoziumit të Dytë Ndërkombëtar: Qytetërimi Islam në Ballkan
Tirana, Albania, 4-7 December 2003
edited by Arian Kadiu and Ramiz Zekaj
Istanbul, 2007 (in Albanian)
(separate volumes in English and Turkish)
ISBN: 9290631538
Categories: Eastern Europe and the Balkans, History of Islamic Civilization
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