The Golden Horde in the Works of Ottoman Historiography (16th–17th…
Ashirbek Muminov, Selahaddin Uygur, Zafar Najmiddinov (eds.)
Responsible Editor: Zh. M. Sabitov. Foreword: Mahmud Erol Kılıç
Astana, 2023. 620 (445+175) p. -
Golden Necklaces on the Turkic Language
Dyussenov, B.D., Nazir, H.
Edited by A.K. Muminov
Astana: International Scientific Complex “Astana”, 2023, 312 p.
in Arabic, [Summary in English at the end of the book] -
Epigraphic Monuments in Arabic Script from the “Abat-Baytaq” Necropolis
Muminov A.K., Dyussenov B.D.; with the participation of Allen Frank (editor of the English text, USA), U.A. Utepbergenova (Indices, Kazakhstan)
Almaty: Altyn Paraq, 2023. 496 p. + DVD of the Film on the “Abat-Baytaq” Necropolis -
Anatolian/Turkish Seljuks
$12.00Anadolu/Türkiye Selçukluları
Abdülkerim Özaydın & Mehmet Ersan
IRCICA, Istanbul, 2023
Series of Sources and Studies on Seljuk History no. 2. 620 p. (in Turkish) -
The Great Seljuk Empire (1040-1157) (Political History, Organization and Administration)
$12.00Büyük Selçuklu İmparatorluğu (1040-1157) (Siyasî Tarih, Teşkilât ve İdare)
Abdülkerim Özaydın. IRCICA, Istanbul, 2023
Series of Sources and Studies on Seljuk History no. 1. 630 p., map (in Turkish) -
Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific-Practical Conference Islamic Civilization in…
October 2022, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Markaziy Osiyoda Islom Sivilizatsiyası: O’tmish va Hozirgi Zamon. III Xalqaro Ilmiy Amaliy Konferansiya Materiallaro To’plamı 2022 yıl oktyabr, Toshkent, O‘zbekistonForeword: Muzaffar Kamilov; Preface: Mahmud Erol Kılıç; Responsible Editor: Kamronbek Abdulazimov, Chief Editors: Zohidjon Islomov, Ne’matulla Muhamedov, Ashirbek Mo‘minov; International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 2023, 472 p. (in Uzbek and English)
The Crescent at the Cape. The True Story of Abu-Bakr…
$20.00Shafiq Morton
Second Edition; Preface: Mahmud Erol Kılıç, Foreword: Selim Argun;
IRCICA, 2023 -
Jordan in Ottoman Archive Documents
$40.00prepared by Fazil Bayat, published by IRCICA and the Royal Jordanian Hashemite Documentation Center,
Istanbul 2022, 720 p. (in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish) -
Mitkhat S. Bulatov, Geometric Harmonization in the Architecture of Central…
$40.00Translated from Russian by Liliya Sattarova, IRCICA, 2022.
Project Director: Mahmud Erol Kılıç; Contributors to English edition: Ashirbek Muminov, Taha Zahid Özdemir, Zeynep Durukal.
Islamic Architecture and Heritage Preservation
no. 3. 430 p.: ill., plans (in English) -
Proceedings of the International Conference in the Memory of Timur…
$40.00March 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan/Ұлы даладағы ислам өркениеті Тимур Бейсембиевті еске алуға арналған халықаралық конференция материалдары. Наурыз, 2017, Алматы, Қазақстан.
Ed. Mahmud Erol Kılıç and Abdsattar Qazhy Derbissali; prepared for publication by Ashirbek Muminov … et. al.,
Istanbul: IRCICA, 2022. 615 p.: col. ill.
Sources and studies on the history of Islamic civilization series; no. 52)
(in English, Kazakh and Russian) -
Book series “The Arab Countries in Ottoman Documents”
$500.00set of 10 volumes
prepared, translated and studied by Prof. Dr. Fazıl Bayat
IRCICA, Istanbul, 2010-2022 -
The Wilaya of Tunis in the 10th century AH/16th century…
$50.00Prepared, translated and studied by Prof. Dr. Fazıl Bayat
Istanbul: IRCICA, 2021
History of Countries in the Light of Ottoman Archive Documents series no. 3, vol. 10, 410, [2] p
in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish