This sixth book, published in two volumes in IRCICA’s series titled History of Ottoman Scientific Literature, gives bibliographic information on the works –books, treatises, articles, reports, legal documents, etc. – that were produced in the fields of natural and applied sciences during the Ottoman period (1299-1923) over the geographical area covered by the Ottoman state, together with biographical information on their authors. The branches of science covered in the book are: physics, chemistry, meteorology, botanic, zoology, geology, engineering, agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, construction, gastronomy, and precious stones.
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HomePublicationsHistory of ScienceHistory of the Literature of Natural and Applied Sciences During the Ottoman Period
History of the Literature of Natural and Applied Sciences During the Ottoman Period
Set of 2 volumes
Prepared by Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, Ramazan Şeşen, M. Serdar Bekâr, Gülcan Gündüz, Veysel Bulut
Istanbul, 2006 (in Turkish with foreword in English)
ISBN 929063149x (set)
Category: History of Science
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