Anatolian/Turkish Seljuks
$12.00Anadolu/Türkiye Selçukluları
Abdülkerim Özaydın & Mehmet Ersan
IRCICA, Istanbul, 2023
Series of Sources and Studies on Seljuk History no. 2. 620 p. (in Turkish) -
The Great Seljuk Empire (1040-1157) (Political History, Organization and Administration)
$12.00Büyük Selçuklu İmparatorluğu (1040-1157) (Siyasî Tarih, Teşkilât ve İdare)
Abdülkerim Özaydın. IRCICA, Istanbul, 2023
Series of Sources and Studies on Seljuk History no. 1. 630 p., map (in Turkish) -
Islamic Monuments of Cairo from the Islamic Conquest Till the…
$80.00Tarek Hussein
IRCICA, 2023
History and Culture in Egypt series 6, x+410+5 pp.
(in Arabic, Preface and Introduction also in English) -
Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific-Practical Conference Islamic Civilization in…
October 2022, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
Markaziy Osiyoda Islom Sivilizatsiyası: O’tmish va Hozirgi Zamon. III Xalqaro Ilmiy Amaliy Konferansiya Materiallaro To’plamı 2022 yıl oktyabr, Toshkent, O‘zbekistonForeword: Muzaffar Kamilov; Preface: Mahmud Erol Kılıç; Responsible Editor: Kamronbek Abdulazimov, Chief Editors: Zohidjon Islomov, Ne’matulla Muhamedov, Ashirbek Mo‘minov; International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 2023, 472 p. (in Uzbek and English)
The Crescent at the Cape. The True Story of Abu-Bakr…
$20.00Shafiq Morton
Second Edition; Preface: Mahmud Erol Kılıç, Foreword: Selim Argun;
IRCICA, 2023 -
World Bibliography of the Holy Quran – Printed Translations, 1515-2015
$25.00Enlarged Edition; Prepared by İsmet Binark and Mehmet Serdar Bekar, Preface: Prof. Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç;
IRCICA, 2023; Serial no. Bibliography on the Holy Qur’an, 5 -
The Academy of Fine Arts Collection of Calligraphy
$80.00Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi Hat Koleksiyonu
Prepared by M. Uğur Derman, Translation: Irvin Cemil Schick, Zeynep Durukal.
Islamic cultural heritage series no. 4, published by IRCICA and MSFAU (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University).
Istanbul, 2023. xxix, 298 p., 28 cm., col. ill.
(English and Turkish) -
Catalogue of Award-Winning Plates in the Twelfth International Calligraphy Competition…
$15.00Prepared by Said Kasımoğlu, Istanbul: IRCICA; 2022.
Islamic Cultural Heritage series; no. 5, 104, [4] p., col. ill.; 33x24cm.
(English, Arabic, Turkish, French) -
The Thuluth & Naskh Mashqs by Mehmed Shawqī: Exercise Books…
$12.00Introductory texts: Uğur Derman; Prepared by: Said Kasımoğlu;
Istanbul: IRCICA; 2022. Islamic Cultural Heritage series; no. 6, 3rd ed., rev. and enl.; 70, [2] p., col. ill.; 30 cm.
(English, Arabic, French, Turkish) -
Jordan in Ottoman Archive Documents
$40.00prepared by Fazil Bayat, published by IRCICA and the Royal Jordanian Hashemite Documentation Center,
Istanbul 2022, 720 p. (in Arabic and Ottoman Turkish) -
Mitkhat S. Bulatov, Geometric Harmonization in the Architecture of Central…
$40.00Translated from Russian by Liliya Sattarova, IRCICA, 2022.
Project Director: Mahmud Erol Kılıç; Contributors to English edition: Ashirbek Muminov, Taha Zahid Özdemir, Zeynep Durukal.
Islamic Architecture and Heritage Preservation
no. 3. 430 p.: ill., plans (in English) -
Proceedings of the International Conference in the Memory of Timur…
$40.00March 2017, Almaty, Kazakhstan/Ұлы даладағы ислам өркениеті Тимур Бейсембиевті еске алуға арналған халықаралық конференция материалдары. Наурыз, 2017, Алматы, Қазақстан.
Ed. Mahmud Erol Kılıç and Abdsattar Qazhy Derbissali; prepared for publication by Ashirbek Muminov … et. al.,
Istanbul: IRCICA, 2022. 615 p.: col. ill.
Sources and studies on the history of Islamic civilization series; no. 52)
(in English, Kazakh and Russian)