This publication resulted from a joint effort on the part of IRCICA and the Institute of Arab Research and Studies, Cairo. It aims to provide an objective review of the history of Arab-Turkish relations, in order to help to foster affinities between the Arab and the Turkish peoples and clarify some facts and events which influenced their relations at different times. The two-volume book has been devised in a way to reflect the views of scholars from both sides on major issues of common interest. These issues are treated under eight main themes: 1. Early encounters between Turks and Arabs 2. The role of Turks in protecting the Arab world 3. Arabs under Ottoman unity 4. Separation of Arabs from the Ottoman State 5. Arab-Turkish relations in the inter-war period 6. Arab-Turkish relations during the expansion of Arab nationalism 7. Turkey and the Arab-Israeli conflict 8. Arab-Turkish rapprochement in the light of contemporary political and economic developments. The themes are dealt with by Arab authors in the first volume and Turkish authors in the second. Prof. Mohammed Safiuddin Abu’l-lz and Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu edited the first and second volumes respectively, and jointly signed the Foreword. Scholars and authors who contributed to the first volume includeAhmed Abdurrahim Mustafa, Jamal Zekeriya Kassim, Said Abdulfettah Ashur, Abdulaziz Suleiman Newwar, Abdulwahab Bakr and Nazli Muawwad Ahmed; to the second volume, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Ramazan Şeşen, Selim ilkin, Mim Kemal Öke, ismail Soysal, and Fahir Armaoglu.
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Arab-Turkish Relations (Arabic,1991-1993)
Part. I: From the Arab viewpoint
Part. II: From the Turkish viewpoint
edited by Mohammed Safiuddin Abu’l-lzz and Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu
published by the Institute of Arab Research and Studies (Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation – ALECSO) and IRCICA
Cairo, Vol. I: 1991, 379 p., Vol. II: 1993, 367 p., in Arabic
Category: Intercultural Relations
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